Imagine a large matrix with dimensions [W,H], and a lots of smaller matrices with dimensions [p,q1], [p,q1], [p,q2], [p,q1], ... I have to slide a small window [p,q] horizontally over a larger matrix. After each slide I have to compare smaller matrices with the data from larger matrix (as defined by sliding window).
I'm currently trying to use other kinds of optimizations (linearize data by columns), but the program no longer works, and it is so hard to debug. But it works very fast :) Here is an example of linearization by columns that i'm currently using : # setup: convert to 1 bit image img = img2 = img.point([0]*255 + [1], "1") # find ocr lines, and for each do ... # extract OCR line region = img2.crop((0, ocrline.base_y-13, width, ocrline.base_y+3)) # h=16 region.load() # clean up upper two lines which should be empty but # sometimes contain pixels from other ocr line directly above draw = ImageDraw.Draw(region) draw.line((0,0,width,0), fill=1) draw.line((0,1,width,1), fill=1) # transpose data so I get columns as rows region = region.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) region = region.transpose(Image.ROTATE_90) = region.tostring() # packs 8 pixels into 1 octet I do the same for known letters/codes (alphabet). Then I compare like this: def recognize (self, ocrline, x): for code_len in self.code_lengths: # descending order code =[x:x+code_len] ltr = self.letter_codes.get(code, None) if ltr is not None: return ltr, code_len # So I can advance x This currently "works" two orders of magnitude faster. --