On Friday 23 September 2005 10:42 am, Peter wrote:
> Terry Hancock wrote:
> >How exactly is that?  Anybody who uses "i" as a variable name for
> >anything other than an innermost loop index is a sick and twisted
> >code sadist.
> >
> Agreed, though to say "code sadist" is a little hard don't ya think? ;)

I don't know, I thought it quite poetic. ;-)
> >You'd prefer what? "count" or "kount" or 
> >"i_am_an_innermost_loop_index_counter".
> >I mean "explicit is better than implicit", right?
> >
> >Maybe Fortran warped my brain, but I just don't see the benefit here.
> >
> Me ither.
> I am no english professor, but isn't the word "i" usualy pointed at 
> something you will, have, can, or can't do in english?
> "me" or "self" or "this" or "my" or "cls" or "inst" are refering to just 
> the object, nothing more, nothing less (except for "my" which is like 
> referring to "something i own") and are much more human-comprehendable. 

Whoa, you totally lost me there, dude.


Terry Hancock ( hancock at anansispaceworks.com )
Anansi Spaceworks  http://www.anansispaceworks.com


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