Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
>>I think this is unfair. The use of "slash" is a failing of the current
>>documentation. If his use is an indication of a nano-tube-narrow
>>mindset then so would be the use by the actual documentation writers.
> You're right - I missed that somehow, as the original docs talk about
> components - which made me assume that these are independently defined
> from the slash.

That's okay.  We hardly lack for examples of his double standard: note 
his claim that split() returns a (dirname, filename) pair, which is not 
correct in all cases either, making his suggestion no better than the 
stuff he criticizes, at best.

> But I stand by the nano-tube-narrow mind-set of Xah Lee. Besides his
> tourette syndrome he also is simply unwilling to read documentation if
> it is not what _he_ expects it to be.

It's interesting to note that c.l.p still manages to give cordial and 
helpful replies when his posts are not offensive ... in spite of us all 
repeatedly being labelled "fuckers" and worse.

I strongly suspect (and here I manage to get this on-topic, to the shock 
of all) that he learned English from something written (apparently) by 
Monty Python, and mistakenly thought this was how most people speak in 
public (see http://www.sigg3.net/myself/fuck.html for but one copy).


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