On Tue, Sep 20, 2005 at 02:57:26AM -0500, pt python wrote:
> im moving from the windows world to the linux world and i need to make
> a python script to see if a service is instaled (ex: apache), if it is
> running or stoped and to start/stop a service like apache or mysql.
> Theres an API on windows to manage services and i need to know how to
> do that on linux. Can anyone help me with the module and API to work
> with services on linux?

Unless you really want to do that in Python. It's just a matter of "ps"
and "grep". Simple shell stuff.

Example: ps ax | grep apache

> by the way, im developing a app, maybe multi-plataform, to install and
> manage several open source packages like apache, mySQL, phpwebadmin,
> phpnuke, etc... if anyone have nice ideais i apreciate that..

That's usually the Linux distribution's job to handle the installed
packages. Some distributions do that better than others
(<cough>Debian<cough>). ;) Or what did you mean when you said "install
and manage"?

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