Thanks, but I had already read these discussions (hope the grammar is correct...), and thought I understood them. But my exact problem: If I resize a xterm, in most cases curses prints crap (if it does not crash python). And I could not find any python-curses application that is displayed correctly after a terminal resize.
I hope nobody will kill me, 'cause I'm a spammer; here is my example: ------ import curses def gettermres(): """ returns the current terminal size in columns and lines """ import struct, fcntl, sys, termios lines, cols = struct.unpack("HHHH", fcntl.ioctl(sys.stdout.fileno(),termios.TIOCGWINSZ, struct.pack("HHHH", 0, 0, 0, 0)))[:2] return cols, lines def splitwin(scr, extend1, axis=0, isPercent=True, useFullScreen=False): """ splits the scr in 2 windows and return both extend1 is the size of the first window axis=0 --> split horizontal axis=1 --> split vertical if isPercent is False, extend1 will be interpreted as absolut size """ if isPercent and not 0 < extend1 < 100: raise "extend1 must be between 0 and 100" if not axis in (0,1): raise "axis must be 0 or 1" if useFullScreen: res = [0,0] res[1], res[0] = gettermres() pos = (0,0) else: res = scr.getmaxyx() pos = scr.getbegyx() size1 = list(res) size2 = list(res) if isPercent: totallen = float(res[axis]) size1[axis] = int( totallen*extend1 / 100 ) else: size1[axis] = extend1 size2[axis] = res[axis] - size1[axis] start1 = list(pos) start2 = list(pos) start2[axis] = size1[axis] win1 = curses.newwin(size1[0], size1[1], start1[0], start1[1]) win2 = curses.newwin(size2[0], size2[1], start2[0], start2[1]) return win1, win2 def startcurses(stdscr): curses.use_default_colors() # transparency curses.init_pair(2, curses.COLOR_GREEN, -1) while 1: curses.setupterm() winTop, winBottom = splitwin(stdscr, 80, useFullScreen=True) winLeft, winRight = splitwin(winTop, 50, 1) winLeft.border() winLeft.noutrefresh() winRight.border() winRight.addstr(1,1,"hallo", curses.color_pair(2)) winRight.noutrefresh() winBottom.border() winBottom.noutrefresh() curses.doupdate() k = winLeft.getch() if k == ord('q'): break curses.wrapper(startcurses) ------ --