Depending on what you axactly want there are a lot of ways to do this.
There is the subProcess module, there is the pty module, there is os.system, 
there is the popen module,
and my personal favorite is Pexpect ( Read the 
documentation of these modules is my first suggestion.

Adriaan Renting.

P.S. you don't need to post your question to this list every 5 minutes.
|>>>"timdoyle05" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 09/19/05 10:46 am >>> 
|  I have a question relating to how Unix commands can be issued from 
|Python programs. Im am currently writing a large test script in python 
|and I need this script to call three other separate Python scripts, 
|where each one executes in it own thread of control. I would like to 
|use a Unix command to get each script to run in its own shell. I have 
|tried using the "Commands" module but after I issue the 
|first "command", execution blocks until I kill the called script. Is 
|there a way around this?? 
|Thanks for your time, 
|I would really appreciate any assistance, 


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