Hi everyone,

A few of us over at RPGnet (http://www.rpg.net) have been talking about
writing an open-source roguelike in Python. Right now, I'm looking for
a few people join the dev team. All I'm asking is that you post one
piece of code for the game per week. If we get enough people, the
collaborative effort should give us a functional game pretty quickly
(at least compared to the recent pace of the project).

I'm pretty sure we'll be using PyGames for the graphics, although a
traditional ASCII roguelike interface would be nice to have too.

I myself am just a programming dabbler, and I'm actually learning
Python just for the sake of this project. Needless to say, programmers
of all skill levels are welcome.

If you're interested, sign up at RPGnet and let us know.

The thread looking for Dev Team members is here:


The main RPGnethack thread is stickied at the top of the Art of Game
Design forum here:


We've also got a wiki at:


Program files will be hosted at Sourceforge. 




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