I have written a program to do something similar.  My strategy is:
* use os.read() to read 512 bytes at a time
* when os.read fails, seek to the next multiple of 512 bytes
  and write '\0' * 512 to the output
I notice this code doesn't deal properly with short reads, but in my experience
they never happen (because the disk error makes an entire block unreadable, and
a block is never less than 512 bytes)

I use this code on a unix-style system.

def dd(src, target, bs=512):
   src = os.open(src, os.O_RDONLY)
   if os.path.exists(target):
       target = os.open(target, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_APPEND, 0600)
       existing = os.lseek(target, 0, SEEK_END)
       existing = 0
       target = os.open(target, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT, 0600)

   total = os.lseek(src, 0, SEEK_END) / bs
   os.lseek(src, existing, SEEK_SET)
   os.lseek(target, existing, SEEK_SET)

   if existing: print "starting at", existing
   i = existing / bs
   f = 0
   lastrem = -1

   last = start = time.time()
   while 1:
           block = os.read(src, bs)
       except os.error, detail:
           if detail.errno == errno.EIO:
               block = "\0" * bs
               os.lseek(src, (i+1) * bs, SEEK_SET)
               f = f + 1
raise if block == "": break

       i = i + 1
       os.write(target, block)

       now = time.time()
       if i % 1000 or now - last < 1: continue
       last = now

       frac = i * 1. / total
       rem = int((now-start) * (1-frac) / frac)
       if rem < 60 or abs(rem - lastrem) > .5:
           rm, rs = divmod(rem, 60)
           lastrem = rem
       spd = i * 512. / (now - start) / 1024 / 1024
       sys.stderr.write("%8d %8d %8d %3.1f%% %6d:%02d %6.1fMB/s\r"
                       % (i, f, i-f, i * 100. / total, rm, rs, spd))
Sorry but what are SEEK_END and SEEK_SET?


Maurice Han Tong LING, BSc(Hons)(Biochem), AdvDipComp, CPT, SSN, FIFA, MASBMB, MAMBIS, MACM
Doctor of Philosophy (Science) Candidate, The University of Melbourne
mobile: +61 4 22781753, +65 96669233
mailing address: Department of Zoology, The University of Melbourne
                 Royal Parade, Parkville, Victoria 3010, Australia
residence: 9/41 Dover Street, Flemington, Victoria 3031, Australia
resume: http://maurice.vodien.com/maurice_resume.pdf
www: http://www.geocities.com/beldin79/

fn:Maurice Ling
org:The University of Melbourne;Department of Zoology
adr:;;Gate 12, Genetics Lane;Parkville;Victoria;3010;Australia
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Ph.D. Candidate
tel;cell:+61 4 22781753


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