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On 1/18/25 8:52 AM, Ian Pilcher wrote:
(And even that wouldn't really be correct, if it worked, because it
doesn't express the fact that the arguments of the two Callables are the
same.  I believe that ParamSpecs are supposed to address this, but there
doesn't seem to be any way to use a ParamSpec when one or more of the
parameter types is known.

I think that I figured it out.

    __P = typing.ParamSpec('__P')

    def _check_eof(
        method: collections.abc.Callable[
            typing.Concatenate[BufferScanner, __P], None
    ) -> (
            typing.Concatenate[BufferScanner, __P], bool

Mypy is happy, and it catches me if I try to use the decorator on some-
thing that isn't a method of BufferScanner (or some other callable that
takes an instance of BufferScanner as its first positional argument).

If your user interface is intuitive in retrospect ... it isn't intuitive

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