On 25/12/24 23:52, Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer via Python-list wrote:
Hey all,

I have been following discussions on Discourse (discuss.python.org) these
last times.

I think that it definitely lacks some of the joys of the mailing list:

1/ Categories

The discussion has fixed categories. No channel for  fun posts, project
releases or musings.

2/ Ui

Good luck getting to the bottom of big threads. Hello JS!

PS. You can but it's not intuitive.


Also, as a conversation develops, irrelevant posts which don't add utility can be deleted making review easier.

Issues/complaints raised about any communication medium are rarely solved by moving to some other. They typically relate to the way humans use the facility. The gossip-side of social media is an evident race for the bottom. Many (semi-)professional channels are infected by peoples' assumptions of similarity. Also, do I need to discuss the way so many people ask for help but give minimum assistance to their hoped-for respondents? https://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html ...


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