Hi, the division 0.4/7 provides a wrong result. It should give a periodic decimal fraction with at most six digits, but it doesn't.
Below is the comparison of the result of decimal, mpmath, dc and calc. 0.0571428571428571460292086417861615440675190516880580357142857 decimal: 0.4/7 0.0571428571428571460292086417861615440675190516880580357142857 mpmath: 0.4/7 0.0571428571428571428571428571428571428571428571428571428571428 dc: 0.4/7 0.0571428571428571428571428571428571428571428571428571428571429 calc: 0.4/7 0.05714285714285715 builtin: 0.4/7 Both decimal and mpmath give an identical result, which is not a periodic decimal fraction with at most six digits. calc and dc provide as well an identical result, which *is* a periodic decimal fraction with six digits, so I think that's right. Below ist the python-script, with which the computation was done. Best regards Martin Ruppert #!/usr/bin/env python3 from decimal import Decimal as dec from mpmath import * from os import popen import decimal z=.4 nen=7 decimal.getcontext().prec=60 print(dec(z)/dec(nen),end=' ');print(f"decimal: {z}/{nen}") mp.dps=60 a=fdiv(z,nen);print(a,end=' ');print(f"mpmath: {z}/{nen}") f=popen(f"dc -e'61k{z} {nen}/f'") for i in f:i=i.rstrip() f.close() print(f"0{i}",end=' ');print(f"dc: {z}/{nen}") f=popen(f"calc 'config(\"display\",61);{z}/{nen}'") j=0 for i in f: if j>0:i=i.rstrip();print(i,end=' ');print(f"calc: {z}/{nen}") j+=1 f.close() print(f"{z/nen}",end=' ');print(f"builtin: {z}/{nen}") -- rupp...@hs-worms.de -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list