On 12/9/24 14:59, Tim Johnson wrote:

Recently did a refresh of ubuntu 24.04

With no code changes am now getting a *ModuleNotFoundError *for youtube_dl

Relevant code is

import sys

import youtube_dl '

Navigating to /home/tim/.local/share/pipx/venvs/youtube-dl/lib/python3.12/site-packages/youtube_dl,

I see the following

tim@beelink:~/.local/share/pipx/venvs/youtube-dl/lib/python3.12/site-packages/youtube_dl$ ls aes.py    compat.py   extractor    jsinterp.py  options.py __pycache__  swfinterp.py  utils.py    YoutubeDL.py cache.py  downloader  __init__.py  __main__.py  postprocessor socks.py     update.py     version.

I should not have appended 'youtube_dl' to the path. I used the content from /home/tim/.local/share/pipx/shared/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pipx_shared.pth

("/home/tim/.local/share/pipx/shared/lib/python3.12/site-packages") and added that to /usr/lib/python3.12/sitecustomize.py as appended to sys.path

and it appears to be solved.

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