> On any Unix system this is untrue. Rotating a log file is quite simple:
I realized I posted this without cc'ing the list: http://jdebp.info/FGA/do-not-use-logrotate.html . The link above gives a more detailed description of why log rotation on the Unix system is not only not simple, but is, in fact, unreliable. NB. Also, it really rubs me the wrong way when the word "standard" is used to mean "common" (instead of "as described in a standard document"). And when it comes to popular tools, oftentimes "common" is wrong because commonly the tool is used by amateurs rather than experts. In other words, you only reinforced what I wrote initially: plenty of application developers don't know how to do logging well. It also appears that they would lecture infra / ops people on how to do something that they aren't experts on, while the latter are :) -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list