Dear Jeff, <> writes:
> Dear Python Users Group, > > > > I am currently learning Python. I am blind and use the JAWS screen reader to > assist me. I am trying to use Python's IDLE editor but find it quite > challenging. When I move my cursor to a line of code, it reads out the > letters or words from the line above, which makes it very difficult to edit > the code accurately. > > > > I am reaching out to see if anyone knows how to configure IDLE to call out > the letters or words that the cursor is actually on. Additionally, I have > searched extensively online but have not been able to find any documentation > specifically designed for blind users on how to effectively use Python's > IDLE. > > > > Any guidance or resources you could provide would be greatly appreciated. > > > > Thank you for your assistance. > > > > Best regards, > > Jeff > I can't make any suggestions regarding IDLE as I don't use it. I also have the impression that most people, rather than IDLE, use some other form of IDE or editor. So it might be worth looking for more generally programming environments with appropriate support. I personally use Emacs for many activities, including programming in Python. On various Emacs-related mailing lists I have come across blind and visually impaired people, most of whom I assume are using Emacsspeak which has been around for 30 years, so that may be worth having a look at. Cheers, Loris -- This signature is currently under constuction. --