
I am using Poetry and have the following in my pyproj.toml

  frobnicate = "frobnicator.cli:frobnicate"

The CLI provides an option '--flavour' and I would like to add further
endpoints for specific values of 'flavour'.  I tried adding 

  frobnicate_foo = "frobnicator.cli:frobnicate --flavour foo"

to '[tool.poetry.scripts]', but when I call this I get the error

  $ poetry run frobnicate_foo --verbose
  File "<string>", line 1
    import sys; from importlib import import_module; sys.argv = ['frobnicate, 
'--verbose']; import_module('frobniator.cli').frobnicate --flavour foo()
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Is it possible to add such endpoint?  If so, how?



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