Good day, 711 Spooky Mart!

Did you consider to add support for IRC or XMPP too?
Best regards,

On Thu, 5 Sep 2024 04:47:39 -0000
711 Spooky Mart via Python-list <> wrote:

> <copy+paste> from
> bmwrapper is a poorly hacked together python script to let Thunderbird
> and PyBitmessage communicate, similar to AyrA's (generally much
> better) application: Bitmessage2Mail.
> I'm on Linux, and don't feel like dealing with wine. So I wrote this
> to fill the same role as B2M, until the source code was released.
> (Which has since been
> open-sourced:
> The script (usually) parses outgoing messages to strip the ugly email
> header information and put quoted text in PyBitmessage’s '---’
> delimited form. Attached images are included, base64 encoded, in an
> img tag. Incoming messages are likewise parsed to reconstruct a
> email, with attachment. This works...most of the time, and I’ve tried
> to make it fail gracefully when something goes wrong.
> ─────┏━━━━┓──┏━━┓───┏━━┓──────    Spooky Mart Channel
> ─────┗━━┓─┃──┗┓─┃───┗┓─┃──────    [chan] 711
> ────────┃─┃──┏┛─┗┓──┏┛─┗┓─────    always open | stay spooky
> ────────┗━┛──┗━━━┛──┗━━━┛─────

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