On 8/28/2024 5:09 PM, Daniel via Python-list wrote:
As you all have seen on my intro post, I am in a project using Python
(which I'm learning as I go) using the wikimedia API to pull data from
wiktionary.org. I want to parse the json and output, for now, just the
definition of the word.
Wiktionary is wikimedia's dictionary.
My requirements for v1
Query the api for the definition for table (in the python script).
Pull the proper json
Parse the json
output the definition only
What's happening?
I run the script and, maybe I don't know shit from shinola, but it
appears I composed it properly. I wrote the script to do the above.
The wiktionary json file denotes a list with this character # and
sublists as ## but numbers them
On Wiktionary, the definitions are denoted like:
1. blablabla
1. blablabla
2. blablablablabla
2. balbalbla
3. blablabla
1. blablabla
I wrote my script to alter it so that the sublist are letters
1. blablabla
a. blablabla
b. blablabla
2. blablabla and so on
At this point, the script stops after it assesses the first line_counter
and sub_counter. The code is below, please tell me which stupid mistake
I made (I'm sure it's simple).
Am I making a bad approach? Is there an easier method of parsing json
than the way I'm doing it? I'm all ears.
Be kind, i'm really new at python. Environment is emacs.
import requests
import re
search_url = 'https://api.wikimedia.org/core/v1/wiktionary/en/search/page'
search_query = 'table'
parameters = {'q': search_query}
response = requests.get(search_url, params=parameters)
data = response.json()
page_id = None
if 'pages' in data:
for page in data['pages']:
title = page.get('title', '').lower()
if title == search_query.lower():
page_id = page.get('id')
if page_id:
content_url =
response = requests.get(content_url)
page_data = response.json()
if 'source' in page_data:
content = page_data['source']
cases = {'noun': r'\{en-noun\}(.*?)(?=\{|\Z)',
'verb': r'\{en-verb\}(.*?)(?=\{|\Z)',
'adjective': r'\{en-adj\}(.*?)(?=\{|\Z)',
'adverb': r'\{en-adv\}(.*?)(?=\{|\Z)',
'preposition': r'\{en-prep\}(.*?)(?=\{|\Z)',
'conjunction': r'\{en-con\}(.*?)(?=\{|\Z)',
'interjection': r'\{en-intj\}(.*?)(?=\{|\Z)',
'determiner': r'\{en-det\}(.*?)(?=\{|\Z)',
'pronoun': r'\{en-pron\}(.*?)(?=\{|\Z)'
#make sure there aren't more word types
def clean_definition(text):
text = re.sub(r'\[\[(.*?)\]\]', r'\1', text)
text = text.lstrip('#').strip()
return text
print(f"\n*** Definition for {search_query} ***")
for word_type, pattern in cases.items():
match = re.search(pattern, content, re.DOTALL)
if match:
lines = [line.strip() for line in
if line.strip()]
definition = []
main_counter = 0
sub_counter = 'a'
for line in lines:
if line.startswith('##*') or line.startswith('##:'):
if line.startswith('# ') or line.startswith('#\t'):
main_counter += 1
sub_counter = 'a'
cleaned_line = clean_definition(line)
definition.append(f"{main_counter}. {cleaned_line}")
elif line.startswith('##'):
cleaned_line = clean_definition(line)
definition.append(f" {sub_counter}. {cleaned_line}")
sub_counter = chr(ord(sub_counter) + 1)
if definition:
print("try again beotch")
You need to check at each part of the code to see if you are getting or
producing what you think you are. You also should create a text
constant containing the JSON input you expect to get. Make sure you can
process that. Start simple - one main item. Then two main items. Then
two main items with one sub item. And so on.
I'm not sure what you want to produce in the end but this seems awfully
complex to be starting with. Also you aren't taking advantage of the
structure inherent in the JSON. If the data response isn't too big, you
can probably take it as is and use the Python JSON reader to produce a
Python data structure. It should be much easier (and faster) to process
the data structure than to repeatedly scan all those lines of data with