If everyone will pardon my curiosity, who and what purposes are these smaller environments for and do many people use them?
I mean the price of a typical minimal laptop is not a big deal today. So are these for some sort of embedded uses? I read about them ages ago but wonder ... -----Original Message----- From: Python-list <python-list-bounces+avi.e.gross=gmail....@python.org> On Behalf Of rbowman via Python-list Sent: Friday, August 23, 2024 1:22 AM To: python-list@python.org Subject: Re: new here On Fri, 23 Aug 2024 16:23:42 +1200, dn wrote: > Adding a display to the Pico-W is my next project... After that, gyros > (am thinking it may not go so well, on balance... hah!). https://toptechboy.com/two-axis-tilt-meter-displaying-pitch-and-roll- using-an-mpu6050-on-the-raspberry-pi-pico-w/ You might have to go back a lesson or two for the lead up. As he generally says in the intro most of what he uses is from the Sunfounder Kepler kit. It has a standard LCD display but he suggested buying the OLED separately and used it for Lissajous patterns and other fancier stuff. It's not a bad series although he can be long-winded and his Python style definitely isn't PEP8 friendly. https://toptechboy.com/ He switched to the Arduino Uno R4 after the IR controller/NeoPixel Pico project and I don't know if he intends to go back to the Pico. He uses Thonny but I use the MicroPython extension in VS Code. Lately I've been using Code for everything. Mostly I work on Linux boxes but it's all the same on Windows. There is a PlatformIO extension that works with Arduino and other boards. PyLance upsets some because it's a MS product but it works well too. I've used PyCharm and like it but I also work on C, .NET, Angular, and other projects and Code gives me a uniform IDE. -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list