On 8/14/24 17:53, Mike Dewhirst via Python-list wrote:

I read Chris McDonough's defence of Tim Peters and he has convinced me. Not because of everything he said but because I have experience of committees. And other things.

The problem is generational.

Later generations can see the faults of earlier generations in brilliant hindsight. I certainly did.

As another self-proclaimed troglodyte weighing in, I'm always suspicious of authority shifting with limited explanations, which seems to have been at the heart of the dispute. Questioning such is a responsibility many of us take seriously.

However, I'd just like to point out: cultures evolve. Inclusivity is no longer obtained, as in our younger days, by saying "suck it up and get on with it". The steering council has this in their charter - PEP-13. These are not people who are making difficult choices for reasons of personal aggrandizement.


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