On 8/14/24 15:32, Left Right via Python-list wrote:

> I think the right word for this is "delusional". But people get
> offended when other people use the right words. Instead they want a
> grotesque round-about way of saying the same thing...
> So, the grotesque round-about way of saying this, if you are still
> reading that is... Even if pip, setuptools and friends worked well
> (which they don't) there are big problems that these tools cannot
> solve:
> * Network partition
> * Version mismatch
> * Competition between different installer tools
> * Increased requirement for vetting and validation
> * Shortening shelf life of existing projects
> But hey, this is just letting off steam.

No need to hit <Send> if you're just venting.

> Nobody cares.

Yeah, people do.


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