
You seem to have perceived an insult that I remain unaware of.

I have no special knowledge, like you do, of plans made for changes to the
pthon language and implementation.

I was asking a hypothetical question about what some users would do if
python came out with a newer major version. I have seen people often wait
until some software that tries to get updated too frequently makes multiple
updates and then finally give in and skip the intermediates.

I wondered if something like a version 4.0 might get people still using
version 2 might finally come around and also if some version 3 users would
not be thrilled with something not stable enough.

I have no favorite ideas here and can see a balance between adding features
or fixing flaws and on the other side, not discomfiting many and especially
when in many cases, the original people who wrote software are no longer
there nor budgets to pay for changes.

I looked up FUD and sharply disagree with suggestions I am trying to somehow
cause Fear, Uncertainty or Doubt. I simply asked if another such update ...
as a hypothetical. Had I asked what impact Quantum Computers might have on
existing languages, would that also be FUD, or just a speculation in a

Either way, I am taking any further discussion along these lines offline and
will not continue here.

-----Original Message-----
From: Python-list <> On
Behalf Of Chris Angelico via Python-list
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2024 7:23 PM
Subject: Re: Couldn't install numpy on Python 2.7

On Thu, 13 Jun 2024 at 09:20, <> wrote:
> My point was that version 4 COULD HAPPEN one day and I meant INCOMPATIBLE
> version not 4. Obviously we can make a version 4 that is not incompatible
> too.

This is still FUD. Back your words with something, or stop trying to
imply that there's another incompatible change just around the corner.

Do you realise how insulting you are being to the developers of Python
by these implications?



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