On 05/06/2024 04:09, Cameron Simpson wrote:
On 04Jun2024 22:43, Rob Cliffe <rob.cli...@btinternet.com> wrote:
import os
def cls(): x=os.system("cls")
Now whenever you type
it will clear the screen and show the prompt at the top of the screen.
(The reason for the "x=" is: os.system returns a result, in this case
0. When you evaluate an expression in the IDE, the IDE prints the
result. So without the "x=" you get an extra line at the top of the
screen containing "0".)
Not if it's in a function, because the IDLE prints the result if it
isn't None, and your function returns None. So:
def cls():
should be just fine.
Yes, you're right.
Rob Cliffe