> I like to use Eclipse with the Pydev plugin which is quite good and is
> cross-platform.
> eclipse - http://www.eclipse.org/
> pydev - http://pydev.sourceforge.net/

Too bad that Eclipse is such a mammoth with regards to system resources...  I
also like it, but I feel Emacs is much lighter and gives me the same things I
have with Eclipse...

IMHO, eclipse is a "GUI" while Emacs is a "CLI" (just as a comparison to where
they differ to me) to edit Python code...  Even support for subversion, CVS,
class navigation, etc. I have here.

But Eclipse is really interesting.  Specially if you use its structure while
developing the application (but then, you fall out of Python -- I dunno how
compatible with it Jython is).

Jorge Godoy      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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