To people discussing BNF:

The grammar language Python uses is *very* far from BNF. It's more
similar to PEG, but even then it's still quite far.  Python's grammar
is just its own thing, which makes it harder to read, if you are
already familiar with other more popular formats.

I've also found bugs in Python parser before, so had this turned out
to be a real issue, this wouldn't have been the first time.  There are
plenty of weird corners in Python grammar that allow unexpected
programs to parse (and sometimes even run!), and these are very often
connected to assignments, because, in general, assignments in Python
are very elaborate and hard to describe / conceptualize about.  The
most popular example I've even seen used in coding interviews (which I
think is a silly gimmick, but that's kind of the whole point of a lot
of these interviews...) is:

    x = [...]
    for x[i] in x: print(i)

Which is not an assignment by itself, but the "weirdness" results from
the loop syntax sharing definitions with the "destructuring bind"
style of assignment (i.e. where the left-hand side can be an arbitrary
complex expression).

I was surprised, for example, to learn that "as" in "with_stmt" isn't
shared with "as" in "except_block" (so, from the grammar perspective,
these are two different keywords), and that asterisk in "except_block"
isn't shared with "star_target" (also weird, since you'd think these
should be the same thing).  In general, and by and large, if you look
at Python's grammar there are many "weird" choices that it makes to
describe the language which seem counterintuitive to the programmer
who tries to learn the language from examples (i.e. context-depending
meaning of parenthesis, of asterisk, of period etc.)  Having been
exposed to this, you'd start to expect that some of this weirdness
will eventually result in bugs, or at least in unexpected behavior.


Anyways. To the OP: I'm sorry to hijack your question. Below is the
complete program:

with (
    open('example.txt', 'r') as e,
    open('emails.txt', 'w') as m,
    open('salutations.txt', 'w') as s,
    for line in e:
        if line.strip():
            (m if '@' in line else s).write(line)

it turned out to be not quite the golfing material I was hoping for.
But, perhaps a somewhat interesting aspect of this program you don't
see used a lot in the wild is the parenthesis in the "with" head.  So,
it's not a total write-off from the learning perspective.  I.e. w/o
looking at the grammar, and had I have this code in a coding interview
question, I wouldn't be quite sure whether this code would work or
not: one way to interpret what's going on here is to think that the
expression inside parentheses is a tuple, and since tuples aren't
context managers, it wouldn't have worked (or maybe not even parsed as
"as" wouldn't be allowed inside tuple definition since there's no
"universal as-expression" in Python it's hard to tell what the rules
are).  But, it turns out there's a form of "with" that has parentheses
for decoration purposes, and that's why it parses and works to the
desired effect.

Since it looks like you are doing this for educational reasons, I
think there's a tiny bit of value to my effort.

On Fri, Jan 12, 2024 at 8:08 AM Grizzy Adams via Python-list
<> wrote:
> Thursday, January 11, 2024  at 10:44, Rich Shepard via Python-list wrote:
> Re: Extract lines from file, add to (at least in part)
> >On Thu, 11 Jan 2024, MRAB via Python-list wrote:
> >> From the look of it:
> >> 1. If the line is empty, ignore it.
> >> 2. If the line contains "@", it's an email address.
> >> 3. Otherwise, it's a name.
> If that is it all? a simple Grep would do (and save on the blank line)
> --

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