On 2023-11-02, dn wrote:
> On 02/11/2023 19.46, Simon Connah via Python-list wrote:
>> [...]
>> My goal is to make a simple mailing list platform. I guess I could
>> just send email to an address and if it bounces then I can remove it
>> from the database. Thing is I'm not sure how close to a real email
>> address an email has to be in order to be bounced. If it was
>> completely wrong it might just swallowed up.
> Exactly!
> Build a complementary script which inspects the returned/bounced 
> messages, and removes those addresses.
> Given that the list of addresses is built from people signing-up in the 
> first place, one has to presume that people know their own addresses and 
> can type - there's no real defence against 'stupid'*. It's not as if you 
> are making-up addresses yourself (in many jurisdictions it is illegal 
> without opt-in).

Isn't opt-in usually to the effect of "send a message with the subject
SUBSCRIBE to listname-reque...@mailinglist.domain.tld " ?  Then the
trick becomes filtering out the spam; but the "is the email valid" check
is somewhat done as a matter of processing that inbound subscribe

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