On 24/06/2023 18.18, Jason Friedman wrote:
I'm writing a database connectivity module to be used by other modules and
leveraging the jaydebeapi module.
From what I can tell jaydebeapi contains no built-in timeout capability, so
then I turned to https://pypi.org/project/timeout-decorator/.
My goal is to have a default timeout of, say, 10 seconds, which can be
overridden by the caller.
import jaydebeapi
from timeout_decorator import timeout
class Database:
database_connection = None
database_name, user_name, password, host, port = stuff
timeout = None
def __init__(self, timeout=10):
self.timeout = timeout
def get_connection(self):
if not self.database_connection:
self.database_connection = jaydebeapi.connect(some_args)
return self.database_connection
The trouble occurs on line 12 with:
NameError: name 'self' is not defined
A quick search would return that "self"
is not available in the class body, only
in the class methods.
There are workarounds, but I guess not
simple ones, expecially for "timeout".