I used to run my own mail server. Now I don't. Practicality beats purity. To be quite frank, the moralistic approach of complaining about the way other people are too happy to give control to big companies is NEVER going to achieve anything. You're welcome to be a little island, that one Gaulish village that still holds out against the invaders, but all you'll actually be doing is sidelining yourself. I'm not saying that this is a GOOD situation, but facts are facts, and I use Chrome and GitHub and a wide variety of other tools that aren't free. ChrisA
Don't get me wrong, I know I have lost the battle in this age, lol. The opening statement probably came off way less pragmatic than I intended before writing it. The attempt to steer the ol' "bitching just to bitch" toward more if a statement as to the fundamentals of why there is a bitch and frustration with how things are didn't quite make it there.
But regardless my positions are correct, lol, you know the situation is "NOT" GOOD, and you justify your compromises, as we tend to do to whatever extent we decide that we can live with, and time tells how those things play out.
For there to have been an elicited reaction to my statements sort of goes against the statement "NEVER going to achieve anything".
I am fine in my cave, a lot of things seen as "facts are facts" tend to change over time, and I don't see anyone else going anywhere that I need to go.
-- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list