On 21/05/2023 05.54, Alex Jando wrote:
I have many times had situations where I had a variable of a certain type, all 
I cared about it was one of it's methods.
For example:

import hashlib
hash = hashlib.sha256(b'word')
hash = hash.hexdigest()
import enum
class Number(enum.Enum):
         One: int = 1
         Two: int = 2
         Three: int = 3
num = Number.One
num = num.value

Now to be fair, in the two situations above, I could just access the method 
right as I declare the object, however, sometimes when passing values into 
functions, it's a lot messier to do that.

So what I'm suggesting is something like this:

import hashlib
hash = hashlib.sha256(b'word')
import enum
class Number(enum.Enum):
         One: int = 1
         Two: int = 2
         Three: int = 3
num = Number.One
A custom-class wrapper?
Even, a decorator-able function?


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