On Fri, Apr 28 2023 at 04:55:41 PM, Chris Green <c...@isbd.net> wrote:
> I'm sure I'm missing something obvious here but I can't see an elegant
> way to do this.  I want to create a directory, but if it exists it's
> not an error and the code should just continue.
> So, I have:-
>     for dirname in listofdirs:
>         try:
>             os.mkdir(dirname)
>         except FileExistsError:
>             # so what can I do here that says 'carry on regardless'
>         except:
>             # handle any other error, which is really an error
>         # I want code here to execute whether or not dirname exists
> Do I really have to use a finally: block?  It feels rather clumsy.
> I suppose I could test if the directory exists before the os.mkdir()
> but again that feels a bit clumsy somehow.
> I suppose also I could use os.mkdirs() with exist_ok=True but again
> that feels vaguely wrong somehow.

Why does exist_ok=True feel wrong to you?  This is exactly what it is
there for.


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