On 4/24/23 11:32, Grant Edwards wrote:
On 2023-04-24, Grant Edwards <grant.b.edwa...@gmail.com> wrote:
The other big advantage of an ncurses program is that since curses
support is in the std library, a curses app is simpler to
distribute. Right now, the application is a single .py file you
just copy to the destination machine and run. It supports
command-line use and a Tk GUI. I can add an ncurses "CUI" without
having to either adopt a more complex bundling mechanism that
requires it to be "installed" or require that users install
dependencies via pip/apt/yum/whatever.
However... I just realized that Python's curses support is missing two
huge chunks: both menu and form support are not there. I guess that
explains why people feel the need to write high-level UI wrappers for
Python curses: the high level stuff that curses does support is
missing from the Python bindings.
Adding a curses UI for my app might not be feasible after all...
That's because the Gods Of Ancient Internets knew that all you
ever really need is VT220 escape sequences ... unless you
are one of the heathens that still program in HLLAPI on 327x
machinery .... (I kid, I kid, NO one needs that pain ...)