Stefan Ram ha scritto:
jak <nos...@please.ty> writes:
def subnet(self):
return self.__to_str(self.__tsubnet)
Maybe each of those attributes should be an object of a
special class where your "__to_str" is "__str__"? E.g.,
# code in "calcip.__init__"
self.tsubnet = ip_address_class.from_int( subnet )
where "ip_address_class" is as in:
import collections
import random
class ip_address_class( collections.UserList ):
def __init__( self, bytes_address ):
super().__init__( bytes_address )
def from_int( cls, int_address ):
return cls( int_address.to_bytes( 4, 'big' ))
def __str__( self ):
return '.'.join( str( byte_ )for byte_ in )
if __name__ == '__main__':
ip_address = \
ip_address_class.from_int( random.randint( 0, 4294967295 ))
print( ip_address[ 0 ])
print( ip_address )
. Now the client can access each byte individually and also
get a "nice" string representation.
(You may add more "from_..." methods for all the various
formats you create addresses from.)
But you should also research the standard library to see
if something like this doesn't already exist ready-made
specifically for IP addresses in the standard library.
ok. thanks a lot. now i try to do that.