Are dataclasses (or instances thereof) mutable or immutable?
- and in what sense?
Have been experimenting with ChatGPT. In particular: its possibilities
as a trainer, good ideas for methods of introducing new topics, its
capability for drawing-up demonstrations or examples, its interpretation
of assessment questions (ie evaluating my own work, eg do they test
desired specifics, is it possible/likely to misinterpret the question, ...)
Conversed with ChatGPT about the differences between (standard)
custom-classes and dataclasses, and when one might prefer one over the
We(?) started discussing how dataclasses might be introduced to trainees
currently only familiar with Python's built-ins: " they are
superior to using built-in data-constructs..."
Amongst the four benefits ChatGPT listed was:
Immutable instances: By default, instances of dataclasses are immutable,
which means that once created, their attributes cannot be modified. This
can help to prevent unintended modifications to the data.
Huh? If we'd been discussing namedtuples over (say) dictionaries, I'd
perhaps have accepted the reply.
The next step was to write some code to double-check my understanding
(reproduced below). No change there.
(given that I'm perfect...cough, cough, splutter)
Thus, back to ChatGPT to seek clarification:
You said "Immutable instances: By default, instances of dataclasses are
immutable, which means that once created, their attributes cannot be
modified. This can help to prevent unintended modifications to the
data." The attribute-values within a data-class can be changed. In what
way are Python dataclasses immutable?
ChatGPT did indeed clarify that:
You're correct that the attribute values within a dataclass can be
changed, even though the instance itself is considered immutable.
That's better. The machine is as smart as I am - or I, as smart as it -
or something(?)
However, the supporting-explanation then appears to argue against its
own clarification (and the assertion in the question):
So to clarify, when we say that instances of dataclasses are immutable,
we mean that the attributes of an instance cannot be changed after it is
In other words, if you create an instance of a dataclass, its attributes
cannot be modified by any external code. If you want to change the value
of an attribute, you need to create a new instance of the dataclass with
the updated attribute value.
... [code excised - see below]
This is because the instance is considered immutable, and its attributes
cannot be changed directly. Instead, we need to create a new instance of
the dataclass with the updated attribute value, like this...
Now, new_person is a new instance of the Person dataclass with the
updated attribute values, while the original person instance remains
So to summarize, while the attribute values within a dataclass can be
changed, instances of dataclasses are considered immutable because their
attributes cannot be modified directly once they are created. Any
updates to the attributes require the creation of a new instance of the
In and amongst the above explanatory-paragraphs it gives example
code-snippets. Those are condensed into:
>>> from dataclasses import dataclass
>>> @dataclass
... class Person:
... name: str
... age: int
>>> person = Person(name='Alice', age=20)
>>> = 'Bob' # raises AttributeError: can't set attribute
>>> person.age = 21 # raises AttributeError: can't set attribute
- note the erroneous comments about exceptions being raised
(they weren't/aren't)!
Here's a home-grown version illustrating all the points made during the
investigation, by way of proof/disproof:
Prove/disprove claim made by Chat-GPT.
__author__ = "dn, IT&T Consultant"
__python__ = "3.11"
__created__ = "PyCharm, 12 Apr 2023"
__copyright__ = "Copyright © 2023~"
__license__ = "MIT"
from dataclasses import dataclass
class Coordinates():
"""Sample dataclass. """
if __name__ == "__main__":
print( "\nCommencing execution\n" )
coordinates = Coordinates( 1, 2, )
print( coordinates, id( coordinates ), )
coordinates.x = 3
print( coordinates, id( coordinates ), )
coordinates.z = 4
print( coordinates, id( coordinates ), )
print( coordinates.x, coordinates.y, coordinates.z, )
### output:
Commencing execution
Coordinates(x=1, y=2) 140436963150928
Coordinates(x=3, y=2) 140436963150928
Coordinates(x=3, y=2) 140436963150928
3 2 4
Not only are a dataclass instance's attribute-values mutable, but
further attributes can be dynamically-added to the object-instance!
Yes, if the code included:
coordinates = Coordinates( 5, 6, )
the new "coordinates" identifier would point to a different id()
'address', ie a fresh immutable-instance.
The 'book of words' (
does mention immutability (wrt to dataclasses) in that it is possible to
add a __hash__() method (any object defined with is (technically)
immutable). However, apart from the default_factory argument, there
doesn't appear to be other discussion of [im]mutability.
Anything I've 'missed'?
- or a salutary tale of not depending upon ChatGPT etc?