Based on your explanations, I went through the call chain and now I understand 
better how it works, but I have a follow-up question at the end.    
This code comes from the DeltaBlue benchmark in the Python benchmark suite. 

The call chain starts in a non-class program with the following call:

EqualityConstraint(prev, v, Strength.REQUIRED)

EqualityConstraint is a subclass of BinaryConstraint, so first it calls the 
__init__ method of BinaryConstraint:

     def __init__(self, v1, v2, strength):
        super(BinaryConstraint, self).__init__(strength)
        self.v1 = v1
        self.v2 = v2
        self.direction = Direction.NONE

At the final line shown above it calls add_constraint in the Constraint class, 
the base class of BinaryConstraint:

      def add_constraint(self):
        global planner

At planner.incremental_add it calls incremental_add in the Planner class 
because planner is a global instance of the Planner class: 

    def incremental_add(self, constraint):
        mark = self.new_mark()
        overridden = constraint.satisfy(mark)

At the final line it calls "satisfy" in the Constraint class, and that line 
calls choose_method in the BinaryConstraint class.  Just as Peter Holzer said, 
it requires a call to "satisfy." 

My only remaining question is, did it select the choose_method in the 
BinaryConstraint class instead of the choose_method in the UrnaryConstraint 
class because of "super(BinaryConstraint, self).__init__(strength)" in step 2 

Thanks for helping me clarify that. 


Mar 26, 2023, 18:55 by

> On 2023-03-26 19:43:44 +0200, Jen Kris via Python-list wrote:
>> The base class:
>> class Constraint(object):
> [...]
>> def satisfy(self, mark):
>>         global planner
>>         self.choose_method(mark)
>> The subclass:
>> class UrnaryConstraint(Constraint):
> [...]
>>     def choose_method(self, mark):
>>         if self.my_output.mark != mark and \
>>            Strength.stronger(self.strength, self.my_output.walk_strength):
>> self.satisfied = True
>>         else:
>>             self.satisfied = False
>> The base class Constraint doesn’t have a "choose_method" class method,
>> but it’s called as self.choose_method(mark) on the final line of
>> Constraint shown above. 
>> My question is:  what makes "choose_method" a method of the base
>> class,
> Nothing. choose_method isn't a method of the base class.
>> called as self.choose_method instead of
>> UrnaryConstraint.choose_method?  Is it super(UrnaryConstraint,
>> self).__init__(strength) or just the fact that Constraint is its base
>> class? 
> This works only if satisfy() is called on a subclass of Constraint which
> actually implements this method.
> If you do something like
> x = UrnaryConstraint()
> x.satisfy(whatever)
> Then x is a member of class UrnaryConstraint and will have a
> choose_method() method which can be called.
>> Also, this program also has a class BinaryConstraint that is also a
>> subclass of Constraint and it also has a choose_method class method
>> that is similar but not identical:
> ...
>> When called from Constraint, it uses the one at UrnaryConstraint.  How
>> does it know which one to use? 
> By inspecting self. If you call x.satisfy() on an object of class
> UrnaryConstraint, then self.choose_method will be the choose_method from
> UrnaryConstraint. If you call it on an object of class BinaryConstraint,
> then self.choose_method will be the choose_method from BinaryConstraint.
>  hp
> PS: Pretty sure there's one "r" too many in UrnaryConstraint.
> -- 
>  _  | Peter J. Holzer    | Story must make more sense than reality.
> |_|_) |                    |
> | |   |         |    -- Charles Stross, "Creative writing
> __/   | |       challenge!"


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