I totally understand your reasoning here, but in some way it follows the unix philosophy: Do only one thing, but do that good.
And exiting is something different from printing to STDOUT or STDERR. Yes sometimes you want to print something before exiting. But then you should do that explicitly and to the output you want and not implicitly rely on adfdtitional parameters of exit. Yes, not all functions work this way. But that does not mean they shouln't ;-) Cheers Lars On 13.03.23 11:18, scruel tao wrote: Chris: It doesn't actually take a list of arguments; the square brackets indicate that arg is optional here. Oh, I see, it seems that I mistunderstood the document. but for anything more complicated, just print and then exit. It's worth noting, by the way, that sys.exit("error message") will print that to STDERR, not to STDOUT, which mean that the equivalent is: Yes, I know, but don’t you think if `sys.exit` can take more parameters and have a default output channel selection strategy will be better? Thanks. Lars Liedtke Software Entwickler [Tel.] +49 721 98993- [Fax] +49 721 98993- [E-Mail] l...@solute.de<mailto:l...@solute.de> solute GmbH Zeppelinstraße 15 76185 Karlsruhe Germany [Logo Solute] Marken der solute GmbH | brands of solute GmbH [Marken] [Advertising Partner] Geschäftsführer | Managing Director: Dr. Thilo Gans, Bernd Vermaaten Webseite | www.solute.de <http://www.solute.de/> Sitz | Registered Office: Karlsruhe Registergericht | Register Court: Amtsgericht Mannheim Registernummer | Register No.: HRB 110579 USt-ID | VAT ID: DE234663798 Informationen zum Datenschutz | Information about privacy policy https://www.solute.de/ger/datenschutz/grundsaetze-der-datenverarbeitung.php -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list