On 3/11/2023 6:54 PM, a a wrote:
My project

If your goal is to step through this Matlab example, then clearly you should use Matlab. If you do not have access to Matlab or cannot afford it, then you would have to use something else, and Python would be a prime candidate. However, each of the techniques and graphs in the lesson have been pre-packaged for you in the Matlab case but not with Python (many other case studies on various topics that use Python Python can be found, though).

Everything in the Matlab analysis can be done with Python and associated libraries. You would have to learn various processing and graphing techniques. You would also have to get the data from somewhere. It's prepackaged for this analysis and you would have to figure out where to get it. There is at least one Python package that can read and convert Matlab files - I do not remember its name, though.

A more important question is whether doing the Matlab example prepares you to do any other analyses on your own. To shed some light on this, here is a post on some rather more advanced analysis using data on the same earthquake, done with Python tools -



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