On 25/02/2023 08.12, Peter J. Holzer wrote:
On 2023-02-24 16:12:10 +1300, dn via Python-list wrote:
In some ways, providing this information seems appropriate. Curiously, this
does not even occur during an assert exception - despite the
value/relationship being the whole point of using the command!

     x = 1
     assert x == 2

AssertionError (and that's it)

Pytest is great there. If an assertion in a test case fails it analyzes
the expression to give you various levels of details:

======================================== test session starts 
platform linux -- Python 3.10.6, pytest-6.2.5, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.0
rootdir: /home/hjp/tmp/t
plugins: cov-3.0.0, anyio-3.6.1
collected 1 item

test_a.py F                                                                     

============================================= FAILURES 
______________________________________________ test_a 

     def test_a():
         a = [1, 2, 3]
         b = {"a": a, "b": 2}

       assert len(a) == len(b)
E       AssertionError: assert 3 == 2
E        +  where 3 = len([1, 2, 3])
E        +  and   2 = len({'a': [1, 2, 3], 'b': 2})

test_a.py:7: AssertionError
====================================== short test summary info 
FAILED test_a.py::test_a - AssertionError: assert 3 == 2
========================================= 1 failed in 0.09s 

and hence the tone of slight surprise in the observation - because only ever use assert within pytests, and as observed, pytest amplifies the report-back to provide actionable-intelligence. See also: earlier contribution about using a debugger.

That said, have observed coders 'graduating' from other languages, making wider use of assert - assumed to be more data (value) sanity-checks than typing, but ...

Do you use assert frequently?

The OP seems wedded to his?her ways, complaining that Python does not work the way it 'should'. In turn, gives rise to the impression that expounding the advantages of TDD, and thus anticipating such unit and integration error-possibilities, might be considered an insult or unhelpful.

Personally, I struggled a bit to adapt from the more-strictured (if not more-structured) languages of my past, to Python - particularly the different philosophies or emphases of what happens at 'compile-time' cf 'execution-time'; and how such required marked changes in attitudes to design, time-allocation, work-flow, and tool-set. Two related-activities which made the language-change more workable and unleashed greater than step-change advantage, were: increased use of TDD, and actively learning the facilities within Python-oriented IDEs.


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