John a écrit :
> Thanks for your replies...
> Solved my problem.

Even so, I made a big mistake here. The Split function is of no use 
because there is already a list of flags. Better do it like that :
libs = Split('glut GLU GL m')
env.Append (LIBS = libs)

BTW, Split is a scons function.

> Christophe wrote:
>>John a écrit :
>>>How could I simplify the code to get libs out of LDFLAGS
>>>or vice versa automatically in the following python/scons code?
>>>if sys.platform[:5] == 'linux':
>>>     env.Append (CPPFLAGS = '-D__LINUX')
>>>     env.Append (LDFLAGS  = '-lglut -lGLU -lGL -lm')
>>>     env.Append(CPPPATH=['include', 'include/trackball'])
>>>     libs = ['glut',
>>>             'GLU',
>>>             'GL',
>>>             'm',]
>>Why don't you use the LIBS var in the environment instead of the LDFLAGS
>>? And what use would be the libs var for you ?
>>if sys.platform[:5] == 'linux':
>>      libs = ['glut',
>>              'GLU',
>>              'GL',
>>              'm',]
>>      env.Append (CPPFLAGS = '-D__LINUX')
>>      env.Append (LIBS = Split(libs))
>>      env.Append(CPPPATH=['include', 'include/trackball'])

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