On 1/26/2023 5:00 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:
On Fri, 27 Jan 2023 at 06:54, Thomas Passin <li...@tompassin.net> wrote:
Did you get a warning, or did you just decide to stop the test?

(At least) one of the utilities, I forget which one, did show the
temperature in a danger zone.

I'm very curious as to which utility, and on what basis it called it
"danger". Notably, whether there's any sort of actual manufacturer
threshold that that was based on.

1. we're talking maybe a dozen years ago, I don't remember every detail about wordings. Coretemp e.g., gives clear warnings (though at what I think are lower temperatures than necessary).

2. "What is Tjunction max temperature?"
Tjunction max is the maximum thermal junction temperature that a processor will allow prior to using internal thermal control mechanisms to reduce power and limit temperature. Activation of the processor's thermal control system may cause performance loss as the processor typically reduces frequency and power to prevent overheating. The maximum junction temperature limit varies per product and usually is between 100°C-110°C."


The utilities I used always stated a 100 deg limit for Tj.

3. "Is it bad if my processor frequently approaches or reaches its maximum temperature?

Not necessarily. Many Intel® processors make use of Intel® Turbo Boost Technology, which allows them to operate at very high frequency for a short amount of time. When the processor is operating at or near its maximum frequency it's possible for the temperature to climb very rapidly and quickly reach its maximum temperature. In sustained workloads, it's possible the processor will operate at or near its maximum temperature limit. Being at maximum temperature while running a workload isn't necessarily cause for concern. Intel processors constantly monitor their temperature and can very rapidly adjust their frequency and power consumption to prevent overheating and damage."

(same source)

But automatic throttling wasn't common back when I first noticed the heating issue.

Personally? Very dubious. Your entire premise is "five degrees MUST be
a problem", without any visible basis.

Bridges are built with 150 - 200 % strength margin. This doesn't mean you should deliberately overload one.

Heat is the enemy of electronics - a very old lesson. Tj =~ 100 deg C for CPUs, a familiar figure.

My premise, to use your word, is not what you say. It is to avoid excessive heat if at all possible, and if the manufacturer says the max junction temperature is 100 deg, I'm going to avoid approaching 100 deg if possible - or to minimize the stay there. Most chemical effects are exponentially sensitive to temperature and problems with semiconductors are likely to be chemical - remember, e.g., the purple plague? A chemical problem.

So yes, checking with HWiNFO, my current system is throttling and power limiting during this particular test. That's good. And I'm still going to stay away from the highest temperatures when possible.

Nuff said!


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