"JackPhil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I searched in the python-mode.el, sf.net, python.org, and found nothing
what document? if you want documentation, switching to a python buffer and typing alt-X followed by "describe-mode" works for me (alternatively, press control-H followed by M): ... Python mode: Major mode for editing Python files. ... This mode knows about Python indentation, tokens, comments and continuation lines. Paragraphs are separated by blank lines only. COMMANDS key binding --- ------- ESC Prefix Command LFD py-newline-and-indent DEL py-delete-char ... to get detailed information about a given command, use describe-key or describe-function. e.g. "describe-key backspace" (=DEL on my key- board) gives me: DEL runs the command py-delete-char: Reduce indentation or delete character. If point is at the leftmost column, deletes the preceding newline. Else if point is at the leftmost non-blank character of a line that is neither a continuation line nor a non-indenting comment line, or if point is at the end of a blank line, reduces the indentation to match that of the line that opened the current block of code. The line that opened the block is displayed in the echo area to help you keep track of where you are. With numeric count, outdents that many blocks (but not past column zero). Else the preceding character is deleted, converting a tab to spaces if needed so that only a single column position is deleted. Numeric argument delets that many characters. for variables, use describe-variable. e.g. "describe-variable py-indent- offset" displays: py-indent-offset's value is 4 Documentation: *Indentation increment. Note that `C-c :' can usually guess a good value when you're editing someone else's Python code. (all this text comes from the python-mode.el file, so I'm a bit surprised that you didn't find anything by looking inside it). (if you need installation help, see the comments at the top of the python- mode.el file. look for the "INSTALLATION" heading) </F> -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list