Cameron Simpson wrote at 2023-1-11 08:37 +1100:
> ...
>There's a Discourse forum over at I use it in
>"mailing list mode" and do almost all my interactions via email, exactly
>as I do for python-list. Posts come to me and land in the same local
>mail folder I use for python-list. My replies land on the forum as
>expected (and of course also go by email to those members who have
>turned that mode on).

I am also using the Plone `Discourse` forum in "mailing list mode".
It now works quite well but it took some years before reaching this state.

For a very long time, my mail replies did not reach the forum reliably.
My latest complaint (more than half a year ago): when I had visited
the forum via `http` (I did this occasionally to verify
my reply has reached the forum), it sometimes thought, I had
seen a new message and did not inform me about it via mail.
Meanwhile, all replies seem to arrive reliably and I no longer
use `http` for access. Therefore, I do not know whether
the behavior described above still persists.

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