On 31/12/2022 18.45, Goran Ikac wrote:
A few days (weeks?) ago, I faced a problem trying to write a program for an
exercise. I asked for help and nobody answered.

Looking back over the last six months of List-Archives, your name does not appear against a single post. This may explain why "nobody answered".

However, ten hours after the above/first message, you posted again. This time as "Thomas Passin". That was followed an hour-or-so later, with a reply-to-self saying: "Everyone's answer to date has been too complicated", and then basically repeating the information previously-provided by a number of contributors.

It then goes on to talk about copying, sorting, adding, and even sets. Much of which you had earlier said: "I know". Was there a further question in there?

Which part of which answer did you find "too complicated"?

Did you try the experiments suggested, and read the references-provided?

Please ask a further question detailing what you have understood, and what is still mystifying. Folk here endeavor to be helpful (see also, earlier reference to the Python-Tutor list).

When asking a question here, please try to reduce the problem to its simplest form, so that you're not asking volunteers to read multiple-screens of irrelevant code. It will help to ask one question at a time, or to carefully separate multiple questions.

Yes, this can be difficult when one is learning. That said, we all started somewhere and are happy to help you to become a valued colleague!


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