On 12/12/2022 17:45, Alan Gauld wrote:

Absolutely nothing apparently!

But in practce I did pen some esponses to Davids post. However
this list seems to strip out what I've written, its happened
a few times now. Not every time but enough that I rarely post

But I'll try once more...

> On 11/12/2022 21:07, dn wrote:
>> On 11/12/2022 23.09, Chris Green wrote:
>>> Is the only way to read single characters from the keyboard to use
>>> curses.cbreak() or curses.raw()?

>> You may like to re-ask this question over on the Python-Tutor list. The 
>> ListAdmin over there (literally) wrote the book on Python+curses...

Thanks for the plug David, but...

While my book is, I think, the only one specifically for curses with
Python, it's hardly a definitive tome on the subject, rather a
beginner's tutorial. An expanded HowTo if you like..

>> Did such research include the keyboard module?
>> https://pypi.org/project/keyboard/

There are several such modules, including a good one by Fred Lundh.
They are cross platform and probably the best solution for the
OP if he doesn't mind using a third party module. I think Fred's
was called terminal? But its been a while I normally just use curses
for anything terminal related.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:


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