On 08/12/2022 12:52, Robin Becker wrote:
I am trying to split off reportlab C extensions to simplify installations and 
make use of more advanced packages.

A simple extension is easily converted to being an abi3 module. However, another has a custom type which uses the old style mechanisms here

it looks like I have to use a different mechanism to setup custom types in the 
abi3 world.

In the docs I see this

"Also, since PyTypeObject is only part of the Limited API as an opaque struct, any extension modules using static types must be compiled for a specific Python minor version."

So it seems I must switch to using a heap allocated type or keep compiling in 
the old way.

I looked in Modules/xxlimited_35.c, but that seems much more complex and 
provides for a type which supports GC.

Are there any ABI3 examples using the old style strategy?
Robin Becker

Robin Becker


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