Thanks Colin and Alessandro!

Alessandro, I've found most of your references and am going through them!


From: "Colin J. Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Unfortunate newbie questions!
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 15:06:58 -0400
CPIM Ronin wrote:
Hi Folks,

I'm brand spanking new to Python, busy reading docs and going through two of the ubiquitous O'Reilly books--"Learning Python" by Lutz/Ascher and "Python Programming on Win32" by Hammond/Robinson.

Still I have a just few newbie questions:

   -    In the Windows Python version, how can it be configured
       to save all keyboard input for later review and revision?
       And how do I get to it?

Either PythonWin or the basic Python interactive shell can do most of the work here. Best to play with the various library functions.

   -   What book or doc would you recommend for a thorough
      thrashing of object oriented programming (from a Python
      perspective) for someone who is weak in OO? In other
      words, how can someone learn to think in an OO sense,
      rather than the old linear code sense? Hopefully, heavy
      on problems and solutions!
No suggestion here. I like Alex Martelli's Python in a Nutshell but it's getting a bit long in the tooth now.

Colin W.

    -  In college, I came to admire the Schaum's Outline book
      approach--again heavy on problems and solutions! What's
      the closest Python equivalent?



From: Alessandro Bottoni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Unfortunate newbie questions!
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 19:22:30 GMT
>     -   What book or doc would you recommend for a thorough
>        thrashing of object oriented programming (from a Python
>        perspective) for someone who is weak in OO? In other
>        words, how can someone learn to think in an OO sense,
>        rather than the old linear code sense? Hopefully, heavy
>        on problems and solutions!

If OOP is the problem, you could try this:
Object Oriented Analysys
Peter Coad, Edward Yourdon
Prentice Hall
Old by quite informative

As an alternative, have a look at the following ones.

Thinking in Python:

Dive into Python:

How to Think Like a Computer Scientist:

>      -  In college, I came to admire the Schaum's Outline book
>        approach--again heavy on problems and solutions! What's
>        the closest Python equivalent?

Maybe this:

Python Cookbook
Alex Martelli, David Ascher

Alessandro Bottoni

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