On 10/22/2022 4:58 PM, Paulo da Silva wrote:
Hi all!

What is the correct way, if any, of documenting a function/method?

def foo(a,b):
     """ A description.
     a: Whatever 1
     b: Whatever 2
     Any other ...

Any comments/suggestions are welcome.

This is not a trivial question - not because it is hard but because it is important, and more so when someone else needs to work with your code. It's surprising how easy it is to forget these details about even your own code. Here are some examples of how I like to document functions and methods, mostly based on PEP-257, Docstring Conventions (https://peps.python.org/pep-0257/) and Guido's style guide before it.

def make_title_from_headline(self, p, h):
    """From node title, return title with over- and underline- strings.

       The leading symbol is chosen based on the indent level of
       the node.

       Note that might different from p.h because of, e.g.,
       directive removal.

       p -- the node position whose indent level is to be used.
       h -- the headline string to be processed.

       a string

Key points - include all the arguments and the return. Capitals help lead the eye to the ARGUMENT and RETURNS blocks. If you use keyword arguments, add a KEYWORD ARGUMENTS section.

def plot(self, stackposition=MAIN, clearFirst=True):
    """Plot a 2-D graph.

    self -- an instance of a PlotManager
    stackposition -- an integer denoting which data set to plot.
    clearFirst -- True if the previous plot should be cleared,
                  else False.


Key point -- if the function/method returns nothing, say so.

class Dataset:
    '''Class to represent a 2D curve.

    xdata, ydata -- sequences holding the x or y data sets.
                    Must be the same length.  May be lists or numpy
    auxDataset -- dictionary of auxiliary data sets (e.g., for holding
                  statistical information)
    errorBands -- List of Datasets to hold errors
    orig_filename -- file path, if any,  used to load data (before
                     any transformations have been applied).
    xaxislabel -- label text for the X axis label
    yaxislabel -- label text for the Y axis label
    figurelabel -- label text for the graph of this data
    ymin -- minimum value for Y axis
    ymax -- maximum value for Y axis
    parms -- dictionary of parameters,  Meant to store the
             current values so they can be written to a file.

If you have the space, these annotations could instead be placed in-line in the class's __init__() method. But it's not often there is enough space, and when they are in the docstring they will be extracted and displayed by docstring tools, which is a good thing.

Sometimes it can happen that a function/method is is simple and clear that its name, and the names of the arguments, make it obvious what their meaning is. But that happens less often than you might think.

- Be concise, but choose clarity over brevity;
- Try to devise good, descriptive names as far as possible;
- A long list of arguments probably should be ordered alphabetically, but could also be grouped, with each group ordered. Otherwise, it is useful to list the parameters in the order they appear in the function/method signature. - Be consistent in your docstrings, but remember there will be times that it makes more sense to relax the consistency.

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