On Tue, 18 Oct 2022 at 01:39, Abderrahim Adrabi
<abderrahim.adr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So, these default values behave like class attributes, here is a demo:
> # Using a list -----------------------------
> class GameOne:
>   def __init__(self, games = []) -> None:
>     self.games = games

This makes the default be a single list, the same list for all of
them. If you want the default to be "construct a new list", you'll
need something else:

def __init__(self, games=None):
    if games is None: games = []

There is an open proposal to allow this syntax, which would do what you want:

def __init__(self, games=>[]):

However, this is not part of any current version of Python.


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