On 16/10/2022 18:43, Antoon Pardon wrote:
Op 16/10/2022 om 17:03 schreef Avi Gross:
Interesting idea, Anton.
I would be interested in hearing more detail on how it would work.
Although much of programming has been centered on the Latin alphabet
and especially English, that may change. I can imagine a customized
compiler or interpreter that uses key words in the local language
instead of for or while or if or else or even import.
Please, please please... forget about that idea.
I know examples. They had no future, and have no future. Either RMS or
ESR once have written in one of their book: "Please write in C". Same
here: please speak in English.
Although, if you like that idea who can stop you? In such a case I vote
for ภาษาไทย