
Say I have two modules: main application and a utility.

With poetry I can add the utility as local dependency to the main
application thus:
  poetry add ../utilities/mailer/dist/my_mailer-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl

This then generates the following in the pyproj.toml of the main

  python = "^3.6"
  my-mailer = {path = 

With this configuration I can run the application in the development

However, if I want to install both the main application and the
utility to my 'site-package' directory, I need to change pyproj.toml to 

  python = "^3.6"
  my-mailer = ">0.1.0"

This seems a bit clunky to me and I wonder whether there is a better way
of handling the situation.

The problem is that the venv used by poetry for the main application
correctly ignores the 'site-packages' directory, which contains the
utility when it is installed.  However, it would be handy if I could
allow just this single package from 'site-packages' to be used within
the venv.  Is this possible?


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