On 8/29/22 23:22, Chris Angelico wrote:
On Tue, 30 Aug 2022 at 12:59, gene heskett <ghesk...@shentel.net> wrote:
But that might create another problem. how to differentiate the servers,
both of which
will want to use localhost:5000 to serve up their web pages we run
things with.
Suggested solutions?
This is nothing to do with venvs, so I'm forking the thread.
By far the easiest way to differentiate them is to NOT have them both
on localhost:5000. Depending on how you invoke the servers, you should
be able to find a way to configure one (or both) of them to a
different port; common methods include a "--port" argument, setting
the PORT environment variable, and poking in the code to find the
number 5000 and changing it to some other value.
(Less common methods include poking in ctypes to find the number 5000
and changing it to some other value. Mentioned only because I realise
the alternative interpretation of my previous comment.)
Another method would be to change the "localhost" part. The standard
for IP addresses is that 127.x.y.z means localhost, regardless of what
x, y, and z are; so you could have one of them bind to and
the other to, which you could then use in your browser the
same way ( and
But if you can't change anything else, you'll have to make the two
processes cooperate in some way, or worst case, just make sure you
shut one down before you start the other up.
That is a limitation I'd druther not have to deal with Chris. I want two
separate octoprint servers running with no interaction between them.
So I'm thinking of venv's named rock64prusa, and rock64ender5+, each with
"port#" on my local net. So chromium could have two tabs open, one to
localhost:5000 and one to localhost:5001, totally independent of each other.
I already have that in my /etc/hosts file. No dns resolving involved.
And from snooping just now, the port # is set it /etc/default/octoprint,
so copy
/etc/default/octoprint to octoprint-prusa, and to octoprint-ender5+, do
the same in
/etc/init.d, and change the port # & venv name in the -ender5+ version.
reconfigure the ender5+ version to drive that printer.
With the venv isolation, it should work, with a browser tab at
localhost:5000 and
another tab at localhost:5001, each pointing at its own directory tree
in /home/gene.
The separation is also because of the way linux finds usb facilities, the
prusa is always /dev/ttyACM0 and the ender5+ is almost always /dev/ttyUSB0.
in this case I've a 4 port usb hub with port disabling switches plugged
into the rock64.
One of the things I want to try is plugging in a startech usb3 to sata
with a small SSD plugged into it, and move the /tmp directory off that poor
u-sd card to prolong its life.
And each with its own input buffer that cura can see from here. The new
cura 5.1
has its own set of problems, not being able to see octoprints defaulted
input buffer
hidden behind a dotted directory being a starter, toss in that it has no
way to look at
.. and that requires a user session of mc just to move the gcode
produced to be printed
from a local dir here to the input buffer of that instance of octoprint.
Back at this come daylight. Thank you Chris.
Cheers, Gene Heskett.
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