On 8/29/22 05:25, Roel Schroeven wrote:
Op 29/08/2022 om 2:55 schreef gene heskett:
On 8/28/22 19:39, Peter J. Holzer wrote:
On 2022-08-28 18:40:17 -0400, gene heskett wrote:
Persuant to my claim the py3.10 is busted, here is a sample. This
is me,
trying to make
pronterface, inside a venv: When the package manager version will
only run
the gui-less "pronsole"
but nothing else from that all python kit runs as it should or at all.
From the package-managers install in
/usr/share/doc/printrun-common/ I
copied requirements.txt
into the venv, and ran this command line:
gene@rock64:~/venv$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
You are almost certainly *not* in a venv here. First, your prompt
doesn't show the name of the venv,
I've created that several times, as octoprint won''t run without it
I found a way to autostart it on reboots and octoprint seems happy
with it
I agree with Peter: it doesn't look as if you are invoking the pip3 in
the venv. Just making the venv-directory the current directory doesn't
activate it.
As a diagnostic, ask the OS which pip3 is actually used:
$ type -a pip3
I get different answers in or out of the venv
venv) gene@rock64:~/printrun/Printrun$ type -a pip3
pip3 is /home/gene/printrun/Printrun/venv/bin/pip3
pip3 is /usr/bin/pip3
pip3 is /bin/pip3
gene@rock64:~/src/wxPython-4.2.0$ type -a pip3
pip3 is /usr/bin/pip3
pip3 is /bin/pip3
but with all the build instructions I've now followed, I now have at
least 3 different
venv subdirs scattered about.
one in /home/gene,
one in /home/gene/Octoprint,
and one in /home/gene/printrun
each with its own bin subdir, but not identical contents.
Does that show the pip3 installed in the venv? Or the system-wide one?
If it's not the pip3 in the venv, well, then that's the problem (or at
least part of the problem). Solution: first check whether the venv
really contains 'pip3' (as opposed to eg. just 'pip'): list the
contents of the bin subdirectory of the venv.
gene@rock64:~/venv/bin$ ls -l
total 36
-rw-r--r-- 1 gene gene 1982 Aug 21 13:12 activate
-rw-r--r-- 1 gene gene 908 Aug 21 13:12 activate.csh
-rw-r--r-- 1 gene gene 2050 Aug 21 13:12 activate.fish
-rw-r--r-- 1 gene gene 9033 Aug 21 13:12 Activate.ps1
-rwxrwxr-x 1 gene gene 232 Aug 21 13:12 pip
-rwxrwxr-x 1 gene gene 232 Aug 21 13:12 pip3
-rwxrwxr-x 1 gene gene 232 Aug 21 13:12 pip3.10
lrwxrwxrwx 1 gene gene 7 Aug 21 13:11 python -> python3
lrwxrwxrwx 1 gene gene 16 Aug 21 13:11 python3 -> /usr/bin/python3
lrwxrwxrwx 1 gene gene 7 Aug 21 13:11 python3.10 -> python3
If not, use 'pip' or whatever instead. Then to make sure you use the
one in the venv, either activate the venv or explicitly specify the
path when invoking pip/pip3 (and likewise for python/python3).
So either (assuming you're using bash):
$ source {path_to_venv}/bin/pip3 # activate the venv
$ type -a pip3 # check whether now the correct pip3 is used
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt # finally invoke pip3
$ {path_to_venv}/bin/pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Activating the venv is easier if you're going to use multiple commands
in the venv. Note that activating the venv only has effect on the
current shell; other shells are unaffected, and when you close the
current shell the venv is not activated anymore.
Explicitly using the path is easier for one-off calls, or in things
like crontab.
I've not had to deal with venv's before. Can more than one of these venv
peacefully coexist? Seems like they should. If there is sufficient nv
But I am a 100% new bee here. The card itself is a 64GB.
I also have the git clone of wxPython-4.2.0, but nothing I can invoke
there builds it.
But there are no specific linux instructions there, osx and winders
only. The package
managers version of wxPython-4.0.7 apparently is not new enough.
It seems to me these utility's ought to be able to all live in one venv,
or there should be
an env python path that is specific to each application. This would lead
to a huge waste
of nv storage by duplicating a venv for each app, not sensible when the
target of the venv
is a common arm64 system. All broadcom for gpio etc.
Presently, Octoprint works, and so does pronsole which has no gui, but
is a one printer show, and I've a small farm of printers. Most of which have
failed the PETG test ,but that claimed to be PETG compatible, but
quickly failed
when fed a roll of it. PETG is the same plastic forever bottles are made
from, much
stronger than the PLA most folks use for artwork and what I'm doing
needs its
physical strength. It also raises the printhead temp around 50C, which
teflon to slowly ablate with phosgene gas as output. Dangerous stuff,
and high
maintenance too.
What I hope to be the 2nd workhorse is an Ender 5 Plus, a huge core-xy
thing that
now has a 300C capable head and an orbiter-v2 direct drive, heavy enough
had to restrict its top speed from its default 500mm. The other printer
is a
Prusa MK3S+ I've about $1500 USD in. It works nice _now_ but came with a
high leakage hot block some gorilla had over tightened and stripped the
break threads, but is slow if fed at cura's default 60mm speeds.
So what should I do next? That includes blowing it all away and starting
over. I have
another rock64. and a kvm swithch on an Amazon truck, be here tomorrow. That
may be my best bet, a separate rock64 and octoprint for each printer.
That at least
looks like it might work. Find a 10+ amp 5 volt supply to run a bunch of
the korean
boards. If the kvm switch works.
Awaiting advice. Thank you.
Cheers, Gene Heskett.
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
- Louis D. Brandeis
Genes Web page <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/>